Sunday, May 12, 2013

Long term CO effects - after the poisoning

Ok guys, I'm new to this so please be patient with me. I've never blogged in my life, so I'm sure I'll be doing something wrong and offending someone. Lol.

I think there needs to be more information passed around when it comes to the long term effects of carbon monoxide poisoning. I've done quite a lot of hunting all over the Internet to find out what I have to look forward to, and there doesn't seem to be a lot out there. There are some stories on CO Survivor, and I appreciate those people sharing. More stories, and how you are coping, what you've done to improve, etc. It would be great if we could get some input from some medical personnel as well. I will share my story shortly, but I want to see if this is going to be seen by anyone first. Thanks for your interest...

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