Friday, June 28, 2013

A new day...

Ok, I may have figured this out a bit. When I posted my first post, I was new to the CO poisoning community. That was because I had recently gotten out of the hospital. I was in total despair. The hospital was no help since it had been 24 hours since my last exposure. Because I was not dying right THEN, they basically kicked me out. Mind you, I could barely walk, staggered mostly, was confused, and it took me ten minutes to find my car that was parked right outside the entrance. What I am trying to get to here is that things have greatly improved. If you have been poisoned over a long period of time, you know what the devastating effects are. Off balance, unsteady gait, confusion, inability to process too much info at one time, nausea, speech difficulties, extreme fatigue. While I am still dealing with a lot of that stuff, it's not as pronounced as it was! I have some days where I'm even seeing some of my old self. While I'm not delusional enough to believe that I will get back to 100%, I do know there's hope. Which was something I didn't have when I wrote my first post two months ago. Yes, this is somewhat scattered, but it's part of who I am now. Expressing myself is difficult these days. I know what I want to say, it just gets garbled coming out whether it's in verbal or written words. Please let me know you're story. I really want to connect with people who have experienced the same thing. I know I haven't written yet what fully happened to me, but if anyone shares, I will too.

1 comment:

  1. I like what I like gal....
    Thank-you for commenting on my Blog!! I truly appreciated it!! ;)
    And you are my newest Follower!! Number 42!! Score!! ;-D
    Your boy sounds so adorable!! I commend you for rescuing him!! What an incredible feeling, huh? ;)
    When I adopted Rose, the shelter simply said that she was a "Beagle cross". Well, they had that part correct!! I then asked around, and nearly everybody's opinion lead me to Beagle/German Shepherd mix!! ;)
    You can purchase dog breed DNA test kits. However. They are very expensive, and not always accurate. But, really? Will some faulty DNA test kit makes us love our Mystery Dogs more? I do not think so!! ;op
